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There are three types of freehold titles in North Cyprus


Pre-1974 Clean Freehold title Land in Northern Cyprus which was owned before 1974 by Turkish Cypriots, English Expatriates, and other nationalities is regarded as having 'clean freehold title' and therefore attracts a premium when sold for re-development or as part of a completed development project. It is very hard to find the land with such titles now.


This means that the Turkish Cypriot owner has been given this land in exchange for the equivalent piece of land they owned in the South. This type of land is increasingly hard to find, especially close to the sea. Many Greek Cypriots fled south in 1974 and Turkish Cypriots fled North, though in lesser numbers, both leaving behind them homes, land, and buildings. The TRNC government have for many years operated an 'exchange' system (known as 'Esdeger' pronounced 'eshtare'), whereby Turkish Cypriots who left land and property behind in the South could register their 'loss' with the TRNC, and were instead awarded points enabling them to take over land and property in the North which was abandoned by Greek Cypriots fleeing south, on an 'exchange' basis.


After the conflict, the TRNC awarded land which was unoccupied with war veterans or their families, and invited citizens of mainland Turkey to re-settle in the TRNC in order to boost the population. This is where no exchange has taken place, and therefore there may be some compensation payable as part of some future political settlement to the Cyprus issue.

The current TRNC Constitution does not make any difference with respect to their pre - 1974 Greek Cypriot title deeds and most of them were expropriated by TRNC government and granted to Turkish Cypriots.


Some property has been offered by the TRNC on 49-year leases